
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Easton is here and life is amazing!


On December 3,2010 at 7:18pm, our family welcomed Easton Mitchell into our family. He was six pounds six ounces nineteen inches long. He is healthy and beautiful and has already blessed our family in so many ways. Easton is the best surprise we have ever gotten and he couldn't be here at a better time. We know that Heavenly Father has a special plan for our family and we have never felt so close to our Father in Heaven and to eachother. I can honestly say I have never been happier. I am the luckiest mother in the world to have these two beautiful children to learn from, to raise, to love, and to teach them in the Saviors way. I have never felt so blessed!
Oakley absolutley loves Easton! She is so fascinated by him and wants to help in everyway she can. She gives him his binky, covers him with his blankets, helps burp him, and gives him lots of loves and kisses. She is very worried when he cries and will tell him "shh shh".oakley has not shown a single sign of jelousy, I am honestly amazed with how well she has done with him. She acts like he has always been here and she knows who he is. She loves to sit on my lap with him just so she can be next to him and give him lots of kisses.
I love my kids so much! I didn't think it was possible to have more love than I do for Oakley, but the love is just doubled and there is a whole new meaning to it now that I have two.
If you are wondering how I am handling two kids so close in age, or if it is way hard, I can honestly tell you that my life has never been better. Yes Easton has only been here for a week, and I have my mom's help, but I still do all of my motherly responsiblities and I have not once even thought, "this is hard" or "how am I going to do this". I have only thought "wow I am so lucky" and "WOW my life is perfect". Yes, life is busy, very very busy, but I would not have it any other way. I have the perfect husband who I love with all of my heart and who is the best Daddy in the world. Eric and I make a very good team and have never felt so close as a couple. Our children are our world and we can hardly wait till it is time to add to our happy family. We have so many hopes and dreams for our children and we will do everything in our power to make sure our children know they are loved, feel our support, and have everything they deserve.
I love you and oakley and Easton, thank you for making my life so amazing!
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  1. Congrats again Sheila - you are a great mommy and your kids are lucky to have you! I hope that you are feeling better after your c-section. :)

  2. Sheila he is so cute! Congrats on your cute family!
